Why We Do It

Kids are 50% of the world’s population and 100% of our future – when statistics and studies show kids’ health at risk, we all have to pitch in and do something about it.

Inactivity is becoming an epidemic among children. Register your kids for Movement Madness today!

Did You Know

  • 1 in 3 American children are classified as overweight
  • Never before in human history have kids been so inactive and eaten so unhealthy
  • Only 1/3 of kids in USA have gym daily at school
  • School-age kids need 1 hour or more a day of vigorous physical activity
  • Pre-school kids should have 2 hours a day…. 1 hour structured and 1 hour unstructured

We at Movement Madness are not alone in our quest.

Expert and Useful Resources

Play60 http://www.nflrush.com/play60/

Let’s Move! http://www.letsmove.gov/

FIT Kids Act http://www.fitkidsact.org/

American Heart Association [http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/GettingHealthy/HealthierKids/Healthier-Kids_UCM_304156_SubHomePage.jsp]

Health and Academics – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [http://www.cdc.gov/healthyyouth/health_and_academics/index.htm]

Statistics and Facts

Obesity, heart disease and other health problems:

Obesity is not the only enemy of children’s health, according to sports and exercise specialists writing in the medical journal, Archives of Disease in Childhood. They say that even those children who are not overeating are frighteningly inactive and may pay the price in terms of their future health.

Every second child in America is overweight; almost all are out of shape; and the problem of obesity is becoming more severe every day.

Today, about one of three American kids and teens are overweight or obese, nearly triple the rate in 1963. -American Heart Association http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/GettingHealthy/HealthierKids/Healthier-Kids_UCM_304156_SubHomePage.jsp

Among children today, obesity is causing a broad range of health problems that previously weren’t seen until adulthood. These include high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and elevated blood cholesterol levels. -American Heart Association http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/GettingHealthy/HealthierKids/Healthier-Kids_UCM_304156_SubHomePage.jsp

Obese children are more prone to low self-esteem, negative body image and depression. -American Heart Association http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/GettingHealthy/HealthierKids/Healthier-Kids_UCM_304156_SubHomePage.jsp

Obesity is not the only enemy of children’s health, according to sports and exercise specialists writing in the medical journal, Archives of Disease in Childhood. They say that even those children who are not overeating are frighteningly inactive and may pay the price in terms of their future health.

This is a global phenomenon – children’s cardiorespiratory (heart and lung) fitness is declining by 4.3% a decade across the world. Unfortunately, the authors from Essex University’s Department of Biological Science found that in England it was worsening at more than that rate: 7% in boys and 9% in girls.

Medical science has shown that most adult health problems stem from childhood. This generation of children is already experiencing major health problems. These serious diseases are occurring at increasingly earlier ages

“Kids need to have proper nutrition, regular physical activity, and a positive mental attitude in order to grow healthy!”  -Franco Carlotto, Founder FFK-

Every second child in America is overweight, almost all are out of shape and the problem of obesity is becoming more severe every day.

Children these days (with computers, video games, tv, i touch) lose out on the obvious health benefits of activity but their communication skills, goal setting and general attitudes suffer as well.

ages 2-19   32+ % are overweight to obese

  • 38% Hispanic
  • 36% black
  • 29% white


Pros to a having a fit child:

Healthy, physically active kids are more likely to be academically motivated, alert, and successful. And physical competence builds self-esteem at every age. — National Association for Sport and Physical Education

Today’s kids grow up with a huge lack of integrity, tolerance and respect for themselves, and consequently, of others. Being inactive leads to low energy, low muscle tone and obesity. Children who are active are better able to handle life’s stresses, have better body image, reduction in body fat, stronger bones and muscles and decreased risk of obesity-related health problems – Asthma, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure.

Kids who exercise regularly are more alert, confident and focused at school as well as home.

In addition to these physical benefits, kids tend to have better emotional wellness and their relationships improve when kids have the opportunity to participate with others in fitness activities.

Children who are active are better able to handle life’’s stresses, have better body image, reduction in body fat, strongerbones and muscles and decreased risk of obsesity related health problems. (asthma, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure.)

Our Kids need to get moving … for them to develop into healthy , happy , self assured adults…. movement benefits the entire development of a child.

Movement of our bodies helps kids not only develop physically but socially, emotionally as well as  improve their cognitive development.

Students who are more physically active and at greater levels of fitness are more successful in the classroom.

Kids who exercise regularly are more alert, confident and focused at school as well as home.  In addition to these physical benefits they tend to have better emotional wellness and relationships improve when kids have the opportunity to participate with others in fitness activities.

When kids are active, their bodies can do the things they want and need them to do. Why? Because regular exercise provides these benefits:

  • strong muscles and bones
  • weight control
  • decreased risk of developing type 2 diabetes
  • better sleep
  • a better outlook on life

Healthy, physically active kids also are more likely to be academically motivated, alert, and successful. And physical competence builds self-esteem at every age.

When kids enjoy an activity, they want to do more of it. Practicing a skill — whether it’s swimming or riding a tricycle — improves their abilities and helps them feel accomplished, especially when the effort is noticed and praised. These good feelings often make kids want to continue the activity and even try others. Whatever their fitness personality, all kids can be physically fit. A parent’s positive attitude will help a child who’s reluctant to exercise.

Be active yourself and support your kids’ interests. If you start this early enough, they’ll come to regard activity as a normal — and fun — part of your family’s everyday routineBudget restraints have led to many different educational programs being dropped from schools, and PE is no exception. Only one state has mandatory PE classes for grades K thru 12, and according to some activists and educators, the lack of PE is one of the reasons so many American children struggle with obesity today.’We are seeing an erosion of physical education nationally at the high school and at the elementary level because we are adding other academic requirements, such as computers and art,’ said Marybell Avery, president for the National Association for Sport and Physical Education.

Nutrition benefits:

“Kids need to have proper nutrition, regular physical activity, and a positive mental attitude in order to grow healthy!”  -Franco Carlotto, Founder, Fitness for Kids

Never before in human history have kids been so inactive and eaten so unhealthy


Fitness and long term health:

Inactive children are more likely to become inactive adults.

2003 youth risk factor surveillance study indicates that 33.4% of youth don’t engage in physical activity that promotes long-term health.

Children have become less fit over the past decade, according to research published today.

Never before in human history have kids been so inactive and eaten so unhealthy

In 10-20 years, an entire generation of young adults will suffer from major health problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer and diabetes if we do not educate them today.

Nowadays kids grow up with a huge lack of integrity, tolerance and respect for themselves, and consequently, of others

Medical science has shown that most adult health problems stem from Childhood. This generation of children is already experiencing major health problems. These serious diseases are occurring at increasingly earlier ages


Physical activities in daily life:

Only 1/3 of kids in us have gym daily at school.

A fitness testing program sponsored by the Chrysler fund amateur athletic union, which tracks fitness among 9.7 shows that children are getting slower in endurance running and are overall getting weaker.

Children spend an average 3-4 hrs a day with TV video games.

According to fitness for youth research… American kids get less than 15 min. Of intentional exercise each day and only 43 min of moderate activity.

Only 36% have daily gym 36% 2 days or less and in these classes less than 30% of class time is devoted to actual physical activity.

School-age kids need 1 hour or more a day of vigorous physical activity.

Pre-school kids should have 2 hours a day…. 1 hour structured and 1 hour unstructured.

Students who are more physically active and at greater levels of fitness are more successful in the classroom.

Computers and art are certainly important, but the consequences of no PE seem too important to ignore. We live in a technological age where most kids prefer a video game to a bicycle and an ipod session to a game of tag. If they do not get the daily physical activity needed to be healthy from PE class, they may not get it at all.

‘We are seeing an erosion of physical education nationally at the high school and at the elementary level because we are adding other academic requirements, such as computers and art,’ said Marybell Avery, president for the National Association for Sport and Physical Education.

2003 youth risk factor surveillance study indicates that 33.4% of youth don’t engage in physical activity that promotes long term health.